Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Moral of the Movie

Hana S. Hubert 11/26/14

As a member of the Drama club, I have learned a lot. It thought me about acting, performing, but most importantly, I internalized the moral of our movie, which was simply what the title stated: being a friend, not a bully. One of the main characters in the movie, Amina, was a kind older sister who had experienced being treated unfairly, and had improved her relationship with her older sister. After that, she was kind to her younger sister because of the lesson she had learned. I know now how important it is to be persistent in a goal, and preserve in persuading someone to change for the better like she did. I and my “sister” in the movie Zeyneb, had to over come our unfair, rude personality to become more kind, giving, and self-less.

Currently, the same conflict: younger kids vs older kids is taking place in my family. Adam and I have struggle in our relationship, and we both can learn from the movie. I loved being a part of the acting, and I hope to be a part of the sequel, Inshaallah.


  1. I hope the other girls learned this lesson from the movie, too, Hana!

    1. Thank you, and I hope they do too!

    2. I still try to follow the prmise i made (even thogh i was acting) but its really hard, also being nice to siblings (older ones) are harder.
