The Chains of Friendship team has an exciting announcement to make. We are now revealing the title to our upcoming second episode in our series. Episode 2 will be called............Return of the Bully. We're all very excited to see how the movie turns out and we hope that you are, too! We're hoping that Return of the Bully will be even better than A Friend, Not a Bully. Check out our announcement poster below:
Please share this poster with your family and friends. And stay tuned to find out more about the series!
This is the official website and blog for the Chains of Friendship series.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Progress on Episode 2
The Chains of Friendship team has been working on our second episode and we recently filmed a few more scenes. This time we got a scene outdoors. We finally had the chance to do an outside scene during daylight hours was raining! Thanks to a handy umbrella, however, our camera didn't get wet. We are looking forward to seeing how our outside scenes turn out, and we hope you are, too.
Here are some more behind the scenes pictures from shooting a few new scenes.
What do you think is going to happen in the second episode? Write your guesses in the comments below.
Here are some more behind the scenes pictures from shooting a few new scenes.
What do you think is going to happen in the second episode? Write your guesses in the comments below.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Fun in the Club! By Anaum Allimulla
I never really thought that being in drama club would be so much fun. Apart from learning to work as a team , to be patient specially with all the mess ups and noises we all make :-) I get to do this with my friends. we are already filming our second episode. Its turning out quite well and hopefully will be done it has been easier this time since we are a little more experienced . This has taught me how it really makes you feel when someone is rude and mean to you. It has also taught me about being a good friend and sister. well I'm very eager to see the episode 2 ...aren't you?
Wait and watch.....
Wait and watch.....
Saturday, December 20, 2014
As you may know we are in the making of our second episode of the series. It feels like yesterday we were filming episode one. Time flies when you are having fun. I don't mind because like I said this is something fun and something I don't get to experience every day. The character I play Amina in this episode is more funnier because my cousin is coming back and I get to be sarcastic like I am in real life. I can't wait to be finished with the episode and for people to watch it. You'll enjoy it, maybe even more than first one because the first one was like to start the whole plot and series. Stay tuned and be on the look-out for the next episode. You'll never know when we finish it...end scene!
Friday, December 19, 2014
The Best Part About Acting
The best part about acting is that you get to do different voices and be different characters. Like in real life I am myself but in the movie I am Ashia and I have a different personality than what I have in real life. I enjoy being Ashia because I get to be in the shoes of a person that is really mean. Like in the first episode, I kept bragging about my phone and making fun of Zeyneb and Khadijah's handwriting. But in real life I am much more kind and not mean like in the movie.
I really enjoy doing voices in the movie because I get to say different stuff. In every scene I do voices. I sing songs and say things that get people mad. I really don't enjoy doing that but since my character in the movie is like that I guess that I have gotten use to being mean in the movie. I can't wait to finish the 2nd episode.
I really enjoy doing voices in the movie because I get to say different stuff. In every scene I do voices. I sing songs and say things that get people mad. I really don't enjoy doing that but since my character in the movie is like that I guess that I have gotten use to being mean in the movie. I can't wait to finish the 2nd episode.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
The Story Behind This Picture: The Case of the Missing Tripod
In a previous post, I posted a bunch of pictures Adeeba and I had taken of different behind the scenes shots from production of our second episode. One of the pictures I took and posted was this one:
When looking through the pictures in the post later with Huda, I remarked, "Isn't it funny how Meryem has to tip-toe to whisper to you?" What I didn't consider was what Meryem was whispering about. Laughing, Huda said, "That's when she was telling me that she hid the tripod." That's when I realized that I had captured a prank in action! A prank that had left me flustered until I realized what had happened.
You see, the drama club only meets once a week, and then only for one and a half hours, so there isn't much time to get everything done. To effectively use every moment of the time we have, I get myself prepared beforehand. Getting to the center early, I set up the props in their places and got out all the film equipment. I set up the blanket against the wall for Amina's scenes, carried the heavy coat rack to one of the classrooms for Aisha's scene (which by the way is still there - no one put it back!), made sure the video camera had charge, and got out the tripod.
Making a movie without a tripod is no fun. The difference a tripod makes is simply amazing, and the handy ZF tripod located in a hidden, yet easy-to-access place is one of the things that makes our movie better. With a few minutes remaining before filming would start, I took the tripod box out and left it in the big prayer room/playroom where we would be doing the majority of our scenes. Then, I got out my camera and began shooting pictures.
Finally, I decided it was time to begin filming. There was no more time to waste. We had to get this second episode going. I put the camera away and got out the video camera, scanned the script to see which scene we would film first, and then reached for the tripod...which was nowhere in sight. Flustered, I checked back in the other room where my bag was. Nope, not there. I looked behind chairs and tables, inside classrooms, even inside rooms I hadn't been in that day. The tripod was nowhere in sight!
"Has anyone seen the tripod anywhere?" I asked, looking around more wildly now, and being mostly ignored. I couldn't understand it. I just knew I had taken the tripod out. Where could it have gone? How could I have lost such an essential item for our movie? Returning back to the place I had left the tripod, I again asked the girls, "Do you guys know where the tripod is?" That's when they revealed the secret.
Pointing to Merve, who was the closest target, Meryem announced, "She hid it over there!" My gaze flew to the corner where there was a pile of hijabs. Quickly recovering my prized possession, I ignored the culprit and forgot all about the prank in my haste to begin filming. It wasn't until the next day, when looking through my pictures, I discovered the evidence...evidence that Meryem was the one who hid the tripod and that all the girls knew about it but chose not to tell me...hmmm....
What an interesting story that can be told from simply one picture! And how wonderful that it turned out that I wasn't actually the one who lost the tripod!
acting experiences,
behind the scenes,
Episode 2,
Filming Is So Fun!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Episode 2
In just the first meeting for filming, we have already recorded half of the movie! The plans for the scenes are layed out, and the video camera is put to use. The second episode isn't just planned now--it's half filmed!
Amina, Zeyneb, Khadijah, and Laila have planned out their winter break. Everything is going smoothly, until Amina gets an unexpected call. Will this new problem work itself out? Or will their winter break be ruined....
Find out in Episode 2, a new, exciting, action-packed movie that will be a delight to watch. If all goes well, the movie might be out in just three more meetings! Stay tuned to figure out the solution to imposing threat, that will be revealed as soon as the movie is out!
Behind the Scenes Pictures from Filming Episode 2
That's right. We started filming Episode 2! Hooray! Surprisingly, we were able to film nearly half of the entire movie in just our first day of filming. Compared to the two to three scenes we used to film each week during production of our first episode, this is a huge accomplishment.
Having recently moved to a new Zakat Foundation Community Center, we have more options for sets for our scenes. Viewers will get the opportunity to see new settings, such as Amina's room. In addition, our second movie will feature two new actors joining the cast! We won't be announcing who they are, but you can be sure that they will be making the series a lot more interesting. And, of course, don't worry. Aisha will be back to continue annoying the other girls!
Check out some pictures we took yesterday when filming some of the scenes:
Photography Courtesy of Nur Kose and Adeeba Allimulla
Having recently moved to a new Zakat Foundation Community Center, we have more options for sets for our scenes. Viewers will get the opportunity to see new settings, such as Amina's room. In addition, our second movie will feature two new actors joining the cast! We won't be announcing who they are, but you can be sure that they will be making the series a lot more interesting. And, of course, don't worry. Aisha will be back to continue annoying the other girls!
Check out some pictures we took yesterday when filming some of the scenes:
Amina's Room |
Outer View |
Handy Script/Scene Summary, camera, and charger |
The Scene in which the girls find out some bad news... |
What everyone looks like when Aisha is around... |
Photography Courtesy of Nur Kose and Adeeba Allimulla
Monday, December 15, 2014
Filming Starts Today! What do You Expect from the Sequel?
We've already begun planning for our second episode in the Chains of Friendship series. You've had the opportunity to see lots of behind the scenes tid-bits from the first episode and even a few sneak peeks for the next episode. The Chains of Friendship team will be posting more cool stuff in the next few weeks to get you excited about Episode 2.
Now is your chance to make a guess about what the next episode will hold for the characters. What do you think will happen between the older girls and the younger girls? How do you think the Aisha story will continue? Will Amina's older sister come back?
Here's a hint of what's to come: Amina and her friends are going to be learning some pretty bad news.
What do you think the bad news will be?
Stay tuned to find out more.
- Nur Kose
Now is your chance to make a guess about what the next episode will hold for the characters. What do you think will happen between the older girls and the younger girls? How do you think the Aisha story will continue? Will Amina's older sister come back?
Here's a hint of what's to come: Amina and her friends are going to be learning some pretty bad news.
What do you think the bad news will be?
Stay tuned to find out more.
- Nur Kose
Friday, December 12, 2014
The Hardest Scene
The bloopers were just plain hilarious. The hardest scene to do was the make-up scene with my older sister in the show for a flashback. My older sister (played by Nur) was blabbering random stuff that made no sense it was so hard not to laugh as you in the bloopers video I failed at it. My favorite part was when Adam brought me water. Here's the story I say I'm thirsty and like me or someone else says like get it after the scene and then at some point Adam brings me water. The whole flashback scene was the hardest I had where I had to do a voice over but the make-up scene was spot on the hardest and funniest one to accomplish. Hey, I didn't fail though I succesed so a big pat in the back for me but not only for me but everyone in the show. You all did amazing and I gotta admit my last post was made to be annoying a little for the older kids. Not like I ever got off track.. Actually yes I did atleast once.
My Favorite and Worst Scenes
Looks like I was annoyed! (probably with the little kids.) Maybe that was my worst scene............. |
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Episode 1 Planning and Behind the Scenes Pictures
Chains of Friendship is back! That's right. Hana's post last night speaks the truth. The Chains of Friendship group is totally excited for Episode 2 and our planning is already finished. Filming commences next week. :)
Beginning the planning stages for Episode 2 brought back memories of our first drama club meetings way back before our show didn't even exist. Coming up with ideas for our first episode, developing a storyline, and connecting the actors with their parts was a big job. Our handy notes were very helpful to keep us on track. Check out some of the pictures below featuring our notes from the planning of Episode 1:
We have all our notes for Episode 2 ready, but you will have to wait until the episode comes out to find out what happens. :)
- Nur Kose
Beginning the planning stages for Episode 2 brought back memories of our first drama club meetings way back before our show didn't even exist. Coming up with ideas for our first episode, developing a storyline, and connecting the actors with their parts was a big job. Our handy notes were very helpful to keep us on track. Check out some of the pictures below featuring our notes from the planning of Episode 1:
We have all our notes for Episode 2 ready, but you will have to wait until the episode comes out to find out what happens. :)
- Nur Kose
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
There's a Sequel!
This Monday, the drama club had
another meeting, on December 8th. We discussed the scenes
for the sequel to our previous movie: A friend, not a bully. Although
nothing has been filmed yet, the plans have been laid out, and it's up
to us to enter the world of acting and partake in a second
outstanding film. In the following weeks, we'll provide updates
regularly, and give you behind the scene news about our progress.
Like Shakespeare quoted, "to be, or not to be? That is the
question.” Inshaalah, you'll hear us telling you that the answer to that
question is that our movie is most certainty to be!
New Bloopers Video
Check out this video featuring some of the bloopers and mess-up scenes we had while filming Episode 1. You can find more bloopers and behind the scenes stuff here.
A Friend Not a Bully,
behind the scenes,
Episode 1,
Sunday, December 7, 2014
We all had our fair share of experiences in the taking of the video. Some funnier than others. I had some so why not share them? If you didn't know I played Amina. The only nice sister that was nice throughout the whole video. Let's say there was a lot of improving on my part. I did certainly mess up and leading us to start over. Ya not good but mostly my fault. My main scene was the flashback scene where I had to look smaller. I was on my knees to look smaller in one of them. Anyways, I had to a voice over on them because my line were pretty long for me to remember any of them. Well I finished all my voice overs and next week they were gone. Which meant I had to do all over again which was annoying because I couldn't do it next week because this week was the last to film. I also had a sore throat which my voice was pretty weird. Scratchy and all I still did it and surprisingly it didn't sound real bad. If you notice at the end my voice did raise. Hmm... who's fault was it? Not mine, it was the other girls they started talking louder so I just raised my voice so you wouldn't hear them. If you didn't notice you probably want to check now. That was my experiences for the flashback. (P.S the older girls don't know how to stay quiet some times but don't tell I said this. Shhhhh...)
- Merve Kekik
Monday, December 1, 2014
A New Experience
The Drama Club was a very interesting, exciting, and new experience to me. I can't wait until we start filming the next scene. Actually, first we have to think of an idea then the script. But that's all the boring stuff, cause all we do is sit and write things down. When you film, you are in action which is so much more exciting. During my experience making the movie, I realized that not only the director but also I had to have patience. We had to keep redoing the scenes over and over that I couldn't even keep track. Actually next time we should see how many takes it took to make the movie. That'd be interesting. Also my ears hurt after every meeting we had. All the little kids were making so much noise, like Adeeba said. Ok, ok, I am not saying the older girls didn't make noise but half of it was us trying to make the younger's be quiet. We hardly made any noise. (not including shouting at the young kids to make them quiet.) Well, for acting it was so fun because I could relate to myself with the movie. I have to admit, it was pretty easy acting what I did. But now I am actually getting the hang of keeping that promise for real. (kind of)So, we should have a good moral like this one. Then most of the actors will follow it.(like me, well I try) Despite all the bad sides of making a movie, most of this experience as pretty great. All of our actors together I think make a pretty good team. (also of course, the director too)
Thursday, November 27, 2014
One of my favorite scenes I acted in was where I had to act mean and rude although in reality it's not really nice to be mean and rude. I liked that scene because I had a chance to use different props. It was funny when I kept messing up on my lines and I kept laughing. After doing that scene several times we finally got it.
Something what I enjoy about acting is that we act like someone else and have different characters in ourselves. The funniest thing I think when I am acting is that we laugh in the middle of scenes and we have to start over.
Acting is so much fun but sometimes in can be annoying also. Especially when we have to do the scenes over and over again. Also when the big kids are trying to film a scene and the small kids are making so much noise. Then also we have to do the scenes over and over again. But most of the time it is fun to act. Can't wait to begin filming for episode two.
Something what I enjoy about acting is that we act like someone else and have different characters in ourselves. The funniest thing I think when I am acting is that we laugh in the middle of scenes and we have to start over.
Acting is so much fun but sometimes in can be annoying also. Especially when we have to do the scenes over and over again. Also when the big kids are trying to film a scene and the small kids are making so much noise. Then also we have to do the scenes over and over again. But most of the time it is fun to act. Can't wait to begin filming for episode two.
Behind the Scenes Pictures and Poses
We hope you guys are having a great Thanksgiving break! Today we are posting some behind the scenes pictures and poses from the days when we were filming A Friend, Not a Bully. Click on the pictures to see them larger. Enjoy!
Chatting between scenes |
Checking out notes to remember everyone's names |
going over the flashback scene script |
hanging out in the "little girls' room" |
doing each other's hair between scenes |
Trusty video camera |
The Collapsing Group Arrangement |
"Take your shoes off before standing on the sofa!" |
Throwing the scarf at camera to ruin the picture |
Throwing the scarf Take 2 |
The Final Pose |
And now...for a long series of posed pictures...
"Everyone, make a sad face." |
"Everyone, make an angry face." |
"Everyone make a silly face." |
Spotlight on Meryem |
Spotlight on Merve |
Spotlight on Adeeba |
Spotlight on Anaum |
Spotlight on Sanable |
Spotlight on Sibal |
Spotlight on Huda |
Spotlight on Nur |
"Everyone, do this." |
Sanable's Pose |
Woah, we definitely took a lot of pictures that day. Here's the coolest part: everyone (except for Sibal) was wearing black and white even though no one planned to match that day. It provided a great arrangement for the unplanned photo shoot!
- Nur Kose
A Friend Not a Bully,
behind the scenes,
Episode 1,
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